What drives me is simple…
I want Hastings to be a place where our children will want to live, work, play and raise their families too.
Achieving this goal means continued focus on…
Delivering Homes for our People
Everyone deserves a place to call home. Delivering quality homes for our people requires strategic intensification and partnerships with government, industry and iwi.
Protecting our Natural Resources
The health of our people and economy relies on the health of our environment. Our future relies on the protection of our fertile growing soils, reducing waste and effective water management.
Building a Strong Economy
Creating meaningful jobs for our people and bringing vibrancy to our community means continuing to support and grow a diverse and resilient local economy.
Providing Places and Spaces to Play
Our people and visitors need places to play and enjoy our fantastic climate. From parks and sports grounds to thriving city centres, art and events, we must continue to ensure Hastings is alive with fun.
All this while carefully managing rates…
With inflation predicted to continue to grow over the next three years, households (particularly those on a fixed income) are under increased financial pressure. It is important that every decision made at the Council table is done so with care and an awareness of the impact of decisions on the increasing cost of living for Hastings residents. I am committed to continuing to treat ratepayer’s money with the respect it deserves.